Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

On Saturday, we spent some time playing baseball...I am scared of what type of athlete he will turn into one day. The kid can throw a ball (baseball or football) better than I can and he can kick a football & soccer ball VERY well! We are working on swinging & hitting a baseball as well as catching!

Then we carved a pumpkin with Brayden. He had already done this a few weeks ago with Grammie & Paw, but that pumpkin had since gone bad so we carved another one. Brayden enjoyed helping to get all of the "guts" out and then played in the driveway while I did the rest of the carving.

Running & jumping was a great entertainment during the boring phase of pumpkin carving!
On Sunday, our small group came over & we all (even the couples without kids) went trick or treating in the neighborhood.

My little elephant! Luckily, he loves the costume so we didn't have a fight about putting it on!
Monkey (Brian), Buzz Lightyear (John), and Elephant (Brayden)Our first house...Corey & Jill from our small group along with Corey's parents & another couple from church who live next to Corey & Jill. Jill had made special age appropriate goody bags for the boys...so sweet of her to day that for them!This was not a planned photo...the kids did this on their own! SO CUTE!Some of the houses that we went to had gone ALL out with their decorations & Brayden got a bit scared. Can't say I blame him at some of the houses!
We all just enjoyed hanging out & watching the kids have fun! Then we came back to our house for pizza and football.

The kids eating dinner after trick or treating

We had planned on Skyping our friends, Caleb, Adrienne, and Ben, who are in PNG, during the game but things didn't work out :(

The kids were super cute in their costumes and were all really well behaved!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Brayden's 2nd Birthday Party!!

Last Sunday we had our family over to celebrate Brayden's 2nd birthday!

My grandmother (Buh), parents, Matt's parents, Uncle John, and Aunt Dana all joined in for the party! After last year's HUGE party, having to cancel at the last minute because Brayden was sick, and the reschedule everything...I decided that something small & simple would be perfect for this year. We had a cookout and the opened presents and watched Brayden play.

Brayden got a train table (borrowed hand me down) from Matt & I plus a few trains. He also got some track, more trains, and other train accessories. Nana & BB gave him an official NC State Jersey. He also received an Elmo backpack, several packs of crayons and coloring books. This kid is set for a while!!

Opening presents (Round 1)

Playing Trains with GrammyPatiently waiting for his Elmo Cake
The Elmo Cake
Opening presents (Round 2)NCSU Jersey from Nana & BB
I wasn't really sure if he would like the trains yet or not, but almost immediately, he started playing with them. Now that we have the train table, I can often find Brayden happily playing at the table talking to the trains & other cars. SO CUTE!!

He LOVES the balloons! He carted them around all week long until 1 of them finally gave out & popped!

Happy Birthday Sweet Brayden!!! We love you!