We also went for our 30 week appointment today & had another ultrasound. Brayden was very good today & we got several really good shots of his face!! I can't tell who he looks like, but I do know that he is adorable!! I can't wait to hold him and give him lots of kisses! Our due date will be here before we know it (only 8.5 weeks now). Based on the ultrasound, they estimated Brayden to weigh about 3 pounds 7 ounces right now & he measured right on track.

We also found out that they want to start non-stress testing twice a week in about 1.5 weeks (at 32 weeks). Matt and I knew they were going to be doing the non-stress testing, but we both thought it would only be once every 2 weeks. I guess we will be seeing the Dr a lot more these last few weeks. Whatever it takes to get this little guy here safely is what we will do.
The new pictures are SO good. He is adorable. I have never seen ultrasound pics turn out that well! Can't wait to meet him!
That's awesome! I think you'll really enjoy the preparing for birth classes...Brian and I did. It was extremely beneficial for us to learn about Brian's role in labor, so tell Matt to take good notes! =)
Thanks! I can't imagine what they must be going through! They are in our prayers like mad! Please let me know if you hear anything more than what they post!
These pictures are amazing. I don't recall seeing any this clear and you can really see his face well! How adoreable he is!
We are anxious for you!
Crazy good pictures of Brayden! You'll have to tell us some good birthing class stories. Does Matt get to go to breastfeeding class, too? I hope so. They should make him put on one of those fat suits that make him feel what it's like to be pregnant (with pictures of course.) Love you guys, glad ya'll are well!
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