Friday, December 19, 2008

2 Month Check-Up

Today was Brayden's 2 Month Check-up. I can't believe that my baby is already 2 months old! The past 2 months have FLOWN by!

He weighed in at 10 pounds 1/2 ounce. That is a 1 pound gain in 18 days! He is still only in the 17% percentile for weight, but the Dr said this was fine. He is obviously growing and doing well...he is just going to be a smaller baby. That is fine with me though, as long as he remains healthy. He has also grown 1/2 inch in the past month, so now he is at 22 1/2 inches.

Brayden is smiling and laughing more each day. Matt finally was able to get a good shot of him laughing.

Brayden also got 4 vaccines today. 3 shots & 1 oral vaccine. After screaming for about 2 minutes from the shots, he calmed down & has been fine ever since. He does seem a bit sleepier this afternoon than normal. Hopefully, this will be the only side effect that he has.

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