Monday, December 1, 2008

Dr visit

Both Brayden & I have colds! We both got sick over the holiday weekend.

I think Brayden is getting better, but I wanted to take him to the Dr today, just to make sure that his lungs were clear, which they were. He has been running a low grade (99.9 and less) fever since Wednesday or Thursday of last week and has been really congested with a cough/sneeze every once in a while. The doctor said that everything was good, just your standard run of the mill cold. I got the basic instructions...saline drops, bulb suction, humidifier, sleep on an incline. Brayden has been sleeping in the bouncy seat for the past 2 nights and this definitely seems to help him sleep better. I have figured out a way to swaddle him, but still strap him in.

On a positive note from the doctors appointment today, Brayden weighed in at a WHOPPING 9 pounds 2 ounces (with diaper on)!!! They said to allow about 2 ounces for the diaper, so that is still 9 pounds!!! I can't believe he has gained about 3 pounds since we came home from the hospital!! He is getting so big already!!

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