Sunday, December 28, 2008

Brayden's 1st Christmas!!!

This past week has been very busy for us. On Saturday, December 20, we went to Buies Creek and celebrated Christmas with Matt's Papa and Grandma Nita. Matt & I found a book about Morrisville, NC, that had a picture of Papa in it back when they lived in Morrisville. We just had to get it for him.

Then on Sunday, December 21, we went back to Buies Creek and celebrated Christmas with Matt's Opa, Oma, Aunt Lynn, Uncle Sandy, Ron, Will, and Charity. Unfortunatly, Cousin Sid was sick so he and his mom, Mamie, didn't get to come. We missed seeing Sid walking and running around. Hopefully, Brayden and Sid will get to meet very soon.

On Wednesday, December 24, we drove to Albemarle and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my parents. We went to Christmas Eve service & Brayden slept through almost the entire service. On Christmas morning, Brayden's great-grandmother (Great Buh) and great-great-aunt Marilyn came for lunch. After lunch we opened gifts. Brayden received lots of books, a star stacker that lights up, and a shape sorter toy. I received a Willowtree angel "Angel of my Heart" from Brayden and Matt received a collage frame with pictures of Brayden to take to work.

Santa (aka my dad) ready to pass out the gifts.

Four generations: my grandmother, Brayden, me, & my mom

Santa's Little Helper

On Christmas afternoon, we drove to Buies Creek for Christmas dinner. Uncle John & Aunt Dana came too. Brayden got more books, his first piano that attaches to the crib, clothes, and a framed Allman Brothers double album. Brayden was so worn out from all of the Christmas festivities that he slept ALL night (7 hours)! That was really his gift to me!

We all had a great time and enjoyed being with family for several days. However, we were all REALLY tired after all of the traveling!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome Baby Vince!

My friend Beth, her husband Jeffrey, and their son Luke welcomed a healthy baby boy on Saturday, December 20 (also Beth & Jeffrey's 5th anniversary)! Baby Vince weighed in at 9 pounds 9 ounces. Hopefully, Brayden & Vince will be very good friends growing up. I can't wait to meet Baby Vince & see the new Coker family!

Welcome Baby Leah!

My friend Ashley, her husband Chris, & daughter Jessica welcomed a healthy baby girl on Friday, December 19. Baby Leah weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces. Brayden & Leah will quite possibly be in the same classroom at daycare. Maybe they will be baby girlfriend & boyfriend :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

2 Month Check-Up

Today was Brayden's 2 Month Check-up. I can't believe that my baby is already 2 months old! The past 2 months have FLOWN by!

He weighed in at 10 pounds 1/2 ounce. That is a 1 pound gain in 18 days! He is still only in the 17% percentile for weight, but the Dr said this was fine. He is obviously growing and doing well...he is just going to be a smaller baby. That is fine with me though, as long as he remains healthy. He has also grown 1/2 inch in the past month, so now he is at 22 1/2 inches.

Brayden is smiling and laughing more each day. Matt finally was able to get a good shot of him laughing.

Brayden also got 4 vaccines today. 3 shots & 1 oral vaccine. After screaming for about 2 minutes from the shots, he calmed down & has been fine ever since. He does seem a bit sleepier this afternoon than normal. Hopefully, this will be the only side effect that he has.

A Week in Pictures

We have been very busy this week.

On Monday, Brayden & mommy went to each lunch with Mommy's friends at work. Brayden wore his new outfit with matching hat & socks (the socks are too big & wouldn't stay on, but at least it was warm on Monday).

On Wednesday, Grammy, Paw, Brayden, Daddy, & Mommy went to the NCSU vs ECU basketball game. Brayden wore his new NC State Converse shoes and his Santa Clause hat.

On Thursday evening, our small group at church went Christmas Caroling at an assisted living home in Raleigh. The residents really seemed to enjoy our singing and watching all of the babies. Brayden wore one of his Christmas outfits and Santa Clause hat.

On Saturday, we are heading to Buies Creek for Christmas with Papa, Grandma Nita, Uncle John, Aunt Dana, Nana, & BB. Then on Sunday, we will go back to Buies Creek for Christmas with Oma, Opa, Aunt Lynn, Uncle Sandy, Ron, Mamie, Sid, Will, Charity, Uncle John, Aunt Dana, Nana, & BB. Pictures to come next week from these festivities!

Buckaroo the cat has also enjoyed Christmas this year. Last year he never acknowledged the Christmas tree (at least that we ever saw). This year, he has enjoyed sleeping under the tree, but carefully walks around the gifts so that he doesn't mess them up. This morning I caught him looking everywhere under the tree for a place to get, but he never found a place with all of the gifts under the tree.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Very Happy Baby!

We have been busy Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts the past few days. Brayden has been very good throughout all of the shopping trips.

Brayden has really started developing a personality the past week or so. He smiles a lot now and will smile back at you when you smile at him.

One of our favorites faces is when he pouts. Brayden can make his lower lip stick out a mile...Matt says he will trip on it one day if he isn't careful. Brayden also loves looking at the lights and at himself in the mirror. I don't think he realizes that he is looking at himself yet, but he still likes to look in the mirror. He is getting better at holding his head up and can "stand" up if you let him. His kicking is also getting much stronger...Matt still says he will be a soccer player.

He is a very happy baby and generally wakes up each morning in a great mood. I love our mornings together when we talk and sing together. Here is a video of Brayden "talking". This was taken shortly after bathtime, which I am happy to report is going much smoother now!

"Talking" video

Untitled from Jennifer Enzor on Vimeo.

Most days, Brayden enjoys Tummy Time and playing on his floor mat. He is especially fond of the Red bird and Red duck hanging from his floor mat. The musical star that lights up is also a big hit!

Tummy Time Video

Untitled from Jennifer Enzor on Vimeo.

Floor Mat video

Floor Mat Time from Jennifer Enzor on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Visit with old friends

Today, Brayden & I had special guests come to visit. One of my best friends from high school, Jenny, came to visit. Jenny has 2 boys, Tyler who is almost 10 and Ethan who is almost 3. Jenny & her family moved from Albemarle to New Mexico about 1 year ago, so the chance to see them was extra special. We met up with another one of our good friends from high school for lunch. Stacy lives in Durham and has a 9 month old little girl, named Megan. We had a great time catching up and seeing each others kids. Hopefully we can continue to keep in touch throughout the years. Ladies, I had a great time today & I hope we can all see each other again soon.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Development & Milestones

Brayden has been holding his head up pretty well for a few weeks now, but each day he gets better & better at it. In the next few weeks he will be holding his head up all the time by himself. Brayden has also started smiling at things and he started laughing this weekend! What a special treat to see him laugh & smile!! I LOVE IT!!

Pictures to come...we never have the camera ready when he smiles or laughs.

So here are my attempts to get picture of a smile. Like I said, we never seem to have the camera ready or at hand. Plus I think Brayden has figured out that we want to capture these things & refuses to smile when I have the camera.

Dr visit

Both Brayden & I have colds! We both got sick over the holiday weekend.

I think Brayden is getting better, but I wanted to take him to the Dr today, just to make sure that his lungs were clear, which they were. He has been running a low grade (99.9 and less) fever since Wednesday or Thursday of last week and has been really congested with a cough/sneeze every once in a while. The doctor said that everything was good, just your standard run of the mill cold. I got the basic instructions...saline drops, bulb suction, humidifier, sleep on an incline. Brayden has been sleeping in the bouncy seat for the past 2 nights and this definitely seems to help him sleep better. I have figured out a way to swaddle him, but still strap him in.

On a positive note from the doctors appointment today, Brayden weighed in at a WHOPPING 9 pounds 2 ounces (with diaper on)!!! They said to allow about 2 ounces for the diaper, so that is still 9 pounds!!! I can't believe he has gained about 3 pounds since we came home from the hospital!! He is getting so big already!!