Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Easter 2013

This year we decided to stay in town for Easter.  On Saturday, the weather was so nice...upper 70s and sunny.  We spent most of the day outside with the kids playing and dying eggs on the deck.

Bradyen dying eggs. He was very "into" it this year and didn't want/need much help once we were set up.

Being silly.  It is VERY rare that he let me take a silly picture of him :)
Poor Buckaroo.  It was so nice outside so I forced him out to enjoy the warm weather and fresh air.  He has never been outside (except in the carrier) since we have had him and he was terrified!
Lilly was not as excited about the egg dying process.
Sweet girl before church on Easter Sunday
After church on Sunday, we headed to Matt's parents house for a late lunch.
Getting in the rocking chair at Nana and BB's house
After lunch, Brayden wanted to play outside and he requested that they play baseball.  BB, Uncle John, Aunt Dana, and Daddy all obliged while Nana and I played with Lilly and hid eggs multiple times.

Hunting eggs

After hunting eggs several times and playing lots of baseball, we took the eggs across the road and Brayden and I took turns throwing them into the woods to see who could throw them the farthest.  I think Brayden won!  That kid has an arm on him!

We had a wonderful, relaxing weekend Easter with family.  Throughout Lent and Easter, we talked with Brayden about what Easter is all about and that Jesus died for us.  I pray that as our kids get older, that they come to know and love Jesus and to fully understand what God has done for us.

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