I took both kids to the grocery store this afternoon. Brayden & I had the following conversation before we ever got into the store:
"I want to ride in the green cart. Well, you are in luck. Our cart is green AND yellow! Lellow, Mommy? Yes, yellow. Let's go in the store Mommy. OK Brayden, but we need to watch for cars in the parking lot. Can you help me look for cars Brayden? I see a big cruck Mommy! Whose cruck is that? I don't know Brayden. Probably a man's truck, but I don't know for sure. Look out Mommy! That cruck is moving. Yes, Brayden, it is moving away from us. Thank you for helping me watch for cars through."
Once we were in the store, the conversation changed more to:
"Brayden, please stop messing with your sister's seat. And also don't mess with her feet. I want to hold something Mommy! OK Brayden. You may hold something once we get something that will be good for you to hold. Mommy! MOMMY! I really want to hold something! OK Brayden...please wait just a minute! Here Brayden, you may hold the box of mac-n-cheese. (insert constant box shaking for about 5 minutes). Brayden, please stop shaking the box. Why mommy? Because it is loud & starting to give mommy a headache. Headache mommy? Yes, Bryaden. Can you please hold this can instead? (insert switching mac-n-cheese for canned mushroom). Again, Brayden, PLEASE stop messing with your sister! I am not going to ask you again! I want that yogurt Mommy! OK Brayden, we will get yogurt, but it has to be this kind. Why Mommy? Because I only have coupons for this kind. Why mommy? Because that is what the coupon man gave me. Why mommy? Brayden, please sit still. Why mommy? So that you don't fall out & get hurt Brayden. Why Mommy? We only have 1 more thing to get. Why mommy? Because that is all that is on our list Bryaden. Why mommy? Brayden, can you please help me & hold these boxes of zip lock bags? OK Mommy. Why? So that I can see which one is cheaper. Please don't drop the boxes again Brayden. I have already picked them up twice. Why mommy? Because you keep dropping them on the floor! Why mommy? I don't know why Brayden...that is a very good question!" ---there was a whole bunch more but that is all I can remember at this point.
Whew!! I was exhausted just from the non-stop conversation/questions to the store, into the store, while in the store, and most of the way home! Luckily, he fell asleep in the neighborhood & stayed asleep when Matt took him out of the car! A little bit of peace & quiet finally! That kid can talk NON-STOP from the minute he wakes up to the minute he goes to sleep!
Meanwhile, Lilly was chilling in the carseat sucking on her hand & "talking". Thankfully, one of them was easy going in the store!!
Christmas 2024
3 weeks ago
It's amazing how much his speech has picked up just in the last month! I love hearing all his stories and how excited and interested he gets. Love it! :)
It's amazing how much he has started talking, just in the last month! I love hearing all his stories, and watching how excited he gets. As annoying as all the "why"s are...this is a pretty fun age! Love it!
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